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Unitas Youth Zone takes its safeguarding responsibilities very seriously.
We work with thousands of young people each year and keeping them safe from harm is always our number one priority

All of our staff receive safeguarding training from the NSPCC and have Enhanced DBS checks. We also have higher-level training for our safeguarding team. In addition, we receive advice and support from our colleagues at OnSide and Barnet Council.

Our Designated Safeguarding Officer is Connor Lynch. Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Officers are Troy Shim-Hue and Louise Adu-Pomaah. Our Trustee for Safeguarding is Councillor Humayne (Kalim) Khalick.

To see our current Safeguarding Policy, please click here.

To share a concern about a child, please click here to fill in a Cause For Concern form. This will then be followed up by our safeguarding team.

If you believe a child is in immediate danger, please call the police on 999.

For more information about safeguarding locally, please visit Barnet Safeguarding Children Partnership.

Unitas is in the London Borough of Barnet. The website of our local MASH (Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub) can be found here.

For organisations/agencies that can offer further support to a young person, please go here.